GrantS Made SImPLE ™

Submit consistently high-quality grant applications

What is Grants Made Simple™?

Grants Made Simple™ reference guide is a document that houses all the essentials of the grant application process. This document is a convenient and indispensable resource for your grant writing needs. In a nutshell, Grants Made Simple™ is a document that includes responses to common grant questions that can help to complete new applications. With this service, we create a customized guide to meet your needs.

Benefits of a Grants Made Simple™ Guide

    1. It serves as a starting point for completing new grant applications
    2. It helps your nonprofit apply for funding more efficiently
    3. It increases your potential to submit more applications

Components of a Grants Made Simple™ Guide

    • Executive Summary
    • Organization Overview
    • Statement of Community Need
    • Programs
    • Strategic Impact Development ™ Plan
    • Marketing and Outreach
    • Sustainability
    • Budget Exercise

Other Ways You Can Use a Grants Made Simple™ Guide

In addition to using the Grant Boilerplate for your proposal needs, here are a few other ways to use this document:

    1. As a quick reference document that houses basic information about your organization.
    2. To create consistency across communication channels such as newsletters, websites, and social media.
    3. To educate your stakeholders (Volunteers, Board Members, Staff, and General Public).
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