Nonprofit Filings

We've got the right package for you

Lets Get Started!

At Nonprofit Enthusiast, we understand the complexities and challenges of obtaining 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status. Our expert team is dedicated to guiding aspiring nonprofits through the intricate process, ensuring a seamless and successful journey towards making a lasting impact.

Our Inclusive Launch Packages includes:

– By-Laws Drafting: Customized by-laws to govern your organization, reflecting your mission and operational structure.
– Conflict of Interest Policy: A foundational policy to maintain integrity and transparency within your board and operations.
– Articles of Incorporation: Legal documentation to officially form your nonprofit.
– Employer Identification Number (EIN) Acquisition:Secure your EIN, a vital step for any entity engaging in financial activities.
– Form 1023 or 1023-EZ Filing: Expert assistance in completing and filing the appropriate IRS application for tax-exempt status.
– Charitable Registration (Solicitation): Filing of state-specific charitable solicitation registration, if applicable to your organization (Filing fee not included).
– Tax-Exempt Certificate:Guidance in obtaining your tax-exempt certificate, where applicable, to solidify your 501(c)(3) status (Filing fee not included).

Begin Your 501(c)(3) Journey:

Starting your nonprofit journey is just a form away. By completing our initial form, you will provide us with the essential information needed to evaluate your organization’s specific needs and determine the most suitable application process for you.

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